Use of Chineasy cards with children

Incredible Progress with Chinese!

Are your children learning a foreign language like French, German, or Spanish? Have they ever tried Chinese? In the video below, you’ll see how my children are rapidly picking up Chinese words and even characters simply by doing something all kids love: matching pairs of Chinese characters on cards.


One moment truly amazed me. Alex, after learning the Chinese character for “king” (王, wáng) from his teacher, Matt Wan, surprised me while sitting in the study one day. I accidentally dropped my sewing box, and as four needles scattered on the floor, Alex immediately said, “That’s ‘wáng,’ a king in Chinese!” I was so proud and even more convinced that learning Chinese not only helps children become fluent speakers but also broadens their minds and encourages a love for learning.


Since I started learning languages after the age of 13, I feel it’s important for my children to start early to develop a more natural accent. What’s even more fascinating is how quickly they pick up Chinese songs—something I wish I could do so effortlessly!


Watch the video below to see how simple and fun learning foreign languages can be, especially with flashcards.

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