IELTS Speaking Part 3 is about your ability to pull together different skills. Here are some points you need to consider:
- Can you connect the words in your speech, i.e. are you aware of the features of connected speech?
- Do you normally use idioms and phrasal verbs where a fluent speaker would?
- Is your vocabulary range good?
- Do you sound natural (this includes good use of intonation, clear pronunciation, word and sentence stress)?
- Do you have original ideas? Are you an expert on the subject?
- Do you organise your ideas well?
- Do you use functional language?
- Are you using a variety of sentences: simple, complex and compound sentences?
- Are you able to evaluate, speculate and justify ideas and opinions?
This speaking section is not about you and your life, like IELTS Speaking Part 1 and Part 2, but more about abstract and general ideas.
What happens in Part 3?
After you have been asked to talk in a bit more detail about a topic in Part 2, the examiner will go on to probe a little more about your ideas on the subject. You will be asked 5-6 questions and it will be around 30 seconds to 1 minute per answer. So you really need to expand your points here and give some examples. Knowing the vocabulary on the topic is also useful so it’s a good idea to do your research on the topic and make a list of useful vocabulary.
You can expect some scripted and some impromptu (made up) questions based on your last answer.
How can I answer Part 3 questions?
- Opinion
- Reason
- Example
- Consequence
So, let’s say the examiner asks
‘How has the publishing industry changed in recent years?’
You answer might now be,
‘Well, I’d say the biggest change is that everything can now be read online.’ [opinion]
‘This came as a result of the need to keep up with social media as a means of delivering information.’ [reason]
‘For instance, what I used to read in a paper format, I tend to read on my phone app.’ [example]
‘I believe, by moving online and staying in tune with the current trends, the big publishing companies have managed to actually increase their audiences.’ [consequence]
Part 3 Sample Questions
It is impossible to know what questions you will get in IELTS Speaking Part 3 because it is more of a natural flowing conversation. At times, the examiner may make up questions, reacting to what you have said.
At the same time, it is useful to be familiar with the kinds of questions you may get in Part 3.
Here are some examples of the kind of IELTS Speaking Part 3 question types you might hear.
Look at some example questions for IELTS SPEAKING Part 3. Note that THE MUSIC INDUSTRY can be substituted by another topic.
- How has THE MUSIC INDUSTRY changed in recent years?
- How will it change in the future?
- How could we make it better?
- Why do people do it?
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of it?