How to order tea, coffee and pizza in Russian

ТРЕТИЙ УРОК (The third lesson)

  1. Read the words on the left and match them to their English equivalent on the right.

1) Чай                                                 а) coffee

2) Сахар                                             б) milk

3) Кофе                                               в) tea

4) Вино                                               г) honeytea and coffee

5) Мёд                                                 д) sugar

6) Молоко                                          е) wine

7) сыр                                                  ё) butter

8) масло                                             ж) bread

9) хлеб                                                з) cheese

  1. We are going to put the nouns in Ex.1 together to form combinations such as tea with milk, coffee with sugar. I want you to notice what endings some of these nouns acquire.

Чай с сахаром, чай с лимоном, чай с молоком, чай с медом.

Кофе с сахаром и молоком, кофе с молоком.

Молоко с медом.

Masculine/neuter nouns С + —eм/ом
Чай С чаем
Вино С вином
Сахар С сахаром
Мёд С мёдом
молоко С молоком
Сыр С сыром
масло С маслом
кофе С кофе
хлеб С хлебом


  1. Before we proceed to the next activity, you are going to learn some new words related to food. See the words on the next page.
    Pizza ingredients in Russian
    Pizza ingredients in Russian


  2. Now, let’s challenge you a little. Let’s imagine that you are eating a pizza and it has a lot of different ingredients. All you will need to remember is that Russian words change their endings. I want you to read what toppings a pizza has. You will have to try and guess from the image what these ingredients are in English. Please work with your partner.
Ingredients for a pizza in Russian
Ingredients for a pizza in Russian

5. Listen to the podcast where I am going to order a pizza with these ingredients. All you need to do is match these endings with the words in the picture. Try adding them into the right category in the table:

С —-ем/ом С —ой С ––ями/ами








  1. Now I would like you to read these.

Пицца с сыром, ветчиной, оливками, острым (hot) перцем, с помидорами, базиликом, с луком и салями.

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