IELTS Speaking Course Outline

This course offers a more authentic opportunity to develop the ability and skills necessary to successfully pass the IELTS speaking exam. In respect of this, you will participate in actual discussions and presentations on this course.
In each lesson, you will be equipped with essential skills that you can immediately put into practice and develop with authentic speaking tasks, taken straight from the IELTS exam. At the end of each week, your ability and progress will be evaluated through an assessed task, and we may offer you feedback so you can continue to grow.
At the end of this course, you will know, understand, and be able to perform exactly what is asked of you, in terms of speaking, during the IELTS speaking exam. Your IELTS exam is the key to a world of new opportunities with English language.
Taking part in a discussion
- Start building a bank of useful phrases and learn how to check your understanding and show off your ability in discussion [clarification, cultural norms]
- Add more phrases to your bank to help you with giving your opinion, explaining your answers, and support your ideas with examples [opinion, development, support]
- Continue building your bank with phrases that help to give you more time to think and to improve your fluency [improvisation, gap fillers]
- Learn how to give more variety in grammar and sentence structure that will raise your score [variety/complex sentences]
- Explore idioms which can increase your level of vocabulary and will impress the examiner [idioms]
- Understand and clearly show what the examiner wants to see and hear from you in part 3 of the speaking exam. Take part in an assessed discussion [criteria analysis, mock exam part 3].
Preparing for an interview
- Familiarise yourself with questions typical to the exam and communicate your confidence more effectively [body language]
- Make your message clearer with word stress and listen to the native speaker more easily [stress, connected speech]
- Understand and clearly show what the examiner wants to see and hear from you in part 1 of the speaking exam [criteria analysis, English in practice]
- Answer questions about yourself from the examiner [mock exam part 1]
Giving a presentation
- Build your bank further with phrases that help to give you more time to think and to improve your fluency [improvising | describing]
- Know what to say, when you have nothing to say [improvising | hypothetical thinking]
- Use your time effectively to plan your presentation [planning, note-taking]
- Understand and clearly show what the examiner wants to see and hear from you in part 2 of the speaking exam [criteria analysis, English in practice]
- Take part in a short presentation about a surprise topic [mock exam part 2]